So Are Chickens Good Pets?

As a passionate chicken enthusiast and advisor, I’m often asked whether chickens make good pets. The short answer? Absolutely! Chickens can be wonderful additions to your family and provide numerous benefits, but there are essential considerations to keep in mind. In this article, I’ll explore the many reasons why chickens can make excellent pets and offer valuable suggestions for those considering adding them to their lives.

So are chickens good pets and why…..Lets find out.

are chickens good pets to have

Benefits of Chickens as Pets

Chickens are more than just egg-laying machines; they can be delightful and endearing companions. Here are some of the key benefits of having chickens as pets:

1. Fresh Eggs

One of the most obvious advantages is the daily supply of fresh eggs. There’s nothing quite like collecting eggs from your own backyard. They’re not only delicious but also healthier, as you control what your chickens eat. A lot of people give them leftovers they are easy to maintain and the eggs compared to store bought are huge.

2. Pest Control

Chickens are fantastic at pest control. They’ll happily forage for insects, reducing the need for harmful pesticides in your garden. They’re nature’s own pest management team, they will simply roam around keep the pests away.

3. Sustainable Practices

Raising chickens allows you to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. They eat kitchen scraps and produce nutrient-rich compost, reducing waste and benefiting the environment. So as you see, just keeping chickens as non pets has so many advantages.

4. Educational for Children

Chickens offer an incredible educational opportunity for children. They can learn about responsibility, empathy, and the circle of life by caring for these feathered friends. 

Considerations Before Getting Chickens

Before diving into chicken ownership, there are essential factors to consider:

1. Local Regulations

Check local regulations and ordinances regarding chicken ownership. Some areas may have restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep or coop placement in your back garden.

2. Coop and Run Setup

You’ll need to invest in a secure coop and run to protect your chickens from predators. Safety is paramount for their well-being, check out the article here on how to construct the perfect chicken coop.

3. Time and Commitment

Chickens require daily care. Feeding, watering, and cleaning are part of the routine. Are you ready for the commitment? Much like a dog or a cat daily care will be needed but unlike a dog the involvement can be as minimal as you like.

Chicken Breeds for Beginners

Choosing the right chicken breeds is crucial. Some beginner-friendly options include Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, and Silkies. These breeds are known for their docile nature and egg-laying capabilities. Check out this article on the best breeds for laying eggs.

Setting Up a Coop

Building or buying a coop is a significant step. Ensure it’s well-ventilated, secure, and offers enough space for your flock. Proper insulation and predator-proofing are essential.

Daily Care and Maintenance

Caring for chickens is a daily task, but it’s a labour of love. Provide fresh food and water, check for any health issues, and collect eggs. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the coop are also vital.

Bonding with Your Chickens

Chickens can be surprisingly affectionate. Spend time with them, talk to them, and offer treats. Building a bond can be a truly rewarding experience. They can also be stroked and picked up so creating that bond can be rewarding!

are chickens good house pets

Chickens and Children

Chickens are a fantastic way to teach children about responsibility and animal care. They can learn valuable life lessons while having fun with their feathered friends.

The Perks of Fresh Eggs

Fresh eggs are a delicious bonus of chicken ownership. Not only do they taste better, but you also have complete control over what your chickens eat, ensuring high-quality eggs.

Common Challenges

While chickens are excellent pets, they come with their challenges. Be prepared for potential issues such as mites, illness, and dealing with seasonal changes. Regular vet check-ups can help mitigate these problems.


In conclusion, chickens can make fantastic pets, offering a multitude of benefits. From fresh eggs to pest control and educational opportunities, they can enrich your life in various ways. However, responsible ownership is key. Make sure to consider local regulations, invest in a secure coop, and be prepared for the daily care chickens require. With proper care and attention, your chickens can become beloved members of your family.


  1. Are chickens noisy? Chickens are generally not noisy, but they do make some noise. Roosters are louder than hens and will crow in the morning, so consider local noise regulations.
  2. How many chickens should I start with? Beginners should start with a small flock of 3-5 chickens. It’s easier to manage and allows you to learn the ropes.
  3. Do I need a rooster for my hens to lay eggs? No, hens can lay eggs without a rooster. However, if you want fertilized eggs for hatching, then you’ll need one.
  4. Can chickens be trained? Chickens can be trained to some extent. They can learn to come when called, and some even enjoy being held and petted.
  5. Do chickens require a lot of space? Chickens do best with ample space to roam, but they don’t need a massive area. Generally, 2-3 square feet per chicken in the coop and 8-10 square feet in the run is a good guideline.

So, if you’re considering adding chickens to your family, you’ll find that they can be incredible pets, offering a unique and rewarding experience. Remember to research, plan, and provide the care and attention these feathered companions deserve.

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David Gange

I love keeping and raising chickens in my back garden but when I started wow I wasn't sure on what to feed them how to keep them I loved the idea of eggs but where do you start? I will show you how!

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